Our 2015 European Adventure

Sunday, 6.14.2015

Breakfast was pancakes and poffertjes (Lucas ate all the pancakes) and then off to the Kroller-Muller museum for one of the largest Van Gogh collections in the world.

We were blown away at all the amazing art, both by Van Gogh and others of his contemporaries. Seemed almost unreal to see the actual paintings that we’ve seen in books and other historic replicas for so many years.

Then we headed to walk the Huissen market area. I had Lucas on my shoulders and he explained how everything at the Hemit department store was made from sausage. He makes a fascinating tour guide since not knowing something doesn’t slow him down at all. His mind is always working and filling in the blanks. Lynn picked up a souvenir Delft plate ($1) and then we tried more local delicacies. Frites with mayonnaise and peanut sauce (not bad) and bitterballen (a deep fried mystery meatball where the filling resembles puss in color and texture). This made the World War II mass grave an improvement.

Now we split up as the ladies went to the market to get dinner and the guys headed home (time for more boat work). We had baked salmon for dinner and a delicious risotto with gorgonzola (Johnny knows how to make his Aunt Lynn happy) and of course more wine.

After all that we took a walk to the nearby pond to launch the S.S. Seahawks (needs some adjustments, mainly ballast balancing). Then we had to get everything packed for our early morning departure.